Legal notices

General Information

Rick Flint and Bruno Allard are the owners of Maison La BelleView

The gîte was registered as a meublé de tourisme with the Mairie de Montaut (Le Bourg, Montaut, 24560) in August 2022.

The 4-star classification was awarded in September 2022 by the Dordogne Perigord Tourism Office, 25, Rue Wilson, 24002 Perigueux.

The RCS number is: 918 287 871 RCS Bergerac.

This website is hosted by Webnode AG. Badenerstrasse 47, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland.

The design, content and editing of the web site is done by Rick Flint.

Photography has been provided by GuyomPhotographe and Rick Flint/Bruno Allard.

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

What data do we collect? Name, email address, and phone number. Your data is stored securely at Maison La BelleView for a period of 5 years, after which they will be deleted.

How do we collect your data? When you register online, or contact us via email, or telephone. We also receive data indirectly from the online booking platform you use to contact us and make a booking (Airbnb etc.)

How will we use your data? To process your enquiry/reservation, and to contact you with special offers and updates on Maison La BelleView. You may always opt out by sending us an email at

For more information on your data protection rights, you can consult the regulation here.